中化建國際 對下列產品及服務進行國際公開競爭性招標,于2024-09-27在公告。本次招標采用傳統招標方式,現邀請合格投標人參加投標。1、招標條件項目概況:隨著海上勘探逐步向深層、超深層推進,古近系深層和潛山巖石類型復雜多樣,儲層類型多、成巖類型多樣。對儲層成因機理、礦物形成時間等方面的實驗需求十分迫切。通過建設礦物原位分析實驗手段,形成應用于儲層定時、定因的原位實驗技術體系,有效支撐公司自主創新能力和核心競爭能力建設。資金到位或資金來源落實情況:已落實項目已具備招標條件的說明:已具備2、招標內容招標項目編號:0704-2440JDCP7381招標項目名稱:碳酸鹽巖U-Pb定年測試系統設備項目實施地點:中國天津市招標產品列表(主要設備):
3、投標人資格要求投標人應具備的資格或業績:★(1)資格要求 Requirements for Qualification of Bidder A.如果投標人為境內注冊公司,投標人需提供合法有效的企業法人營業執照、稅務登記證及組織機構代碼證或證照合一的營業執照;如果投標人為境外注冊公司,需提供有效的公司登記注冊證明。窗體頂端窗體底端A. The bidder within the customs territory shall provide valid independent legal person business license, tax registration certificate, organization code certificate, or combined certificate and business license;The bidder outside the customs territory shall provide valid certificate to prove valid business registration certificate.B. 投標人所投產品制造商應通過ISO9001(或GB/T19001)質量體系認證或CE認證。國內認證機構簽發的證書應可在中國國家認證認可監督管理委員會網站(http:// /)核實。如果有國家相關部門發布的最新體系標準,以最新體系標準為準。投標時需提供原件掃描件(原件備查)。若認證機構為國外的,應在投標時提供有效期內的GB/T19001(ISO9001)質量管理體系認證或CE認證證書(掃描件)。B. The manufacturer of the products submitted by the bidder shall pass ISO9001(or GB/T19001)quality system certification or CE certification. The quality management system certification certificate issued by domestic certification bodies should be available on the website of the China National Certification and Accreditation Administration( http:// )Can be queried. If there are the latest system standards released by relevant national departments, the latest system standards shall prevail. Scanned copies of original documents must be provided during bidding (original documents for future reference).If the certification body is foreign, a valid GB/T19001 (ISO9001) Quality Management System Certification or CE Certification Certificate (scanned copy) should be provided during the bidding process.C. 國內產品不接受代理商投標。C. Domestic products do not accept bidding from agents.D. 是否接受聯合體投標:否D. Joint Venture: Not AcceptedE. 未領購招標文件是否可以參加投標:不可以E. Bid without the bidding documents:NOT AvailableF. 其它G. others: (2)★業績要求Requirement for Bidder's reference:(1)2020年1月1日至投標截止日(以合同簽署時間為準),投標人所投U-Pb測試等離子體質譜儀產品的制造商應具有至少2個合同的該類質譜儀主機的供貨業績;投標人所投元素預掃描等離子質譜儀產品的制造商應具有至少2個合同的該類質譜儀主機的供貨業績;投標人所投激光剝蝕系統產品的制造商應具有至少2個合同的該類激光剝蝕系統裝置的供貨業績。投標業績產品品牌和型號應與本次投標產品品牌和型號一致。(1) From January 1, 2020 to the deadline for bidding (subject to the signing time of the contract), the manufacturer of the U-Pb test plasma mass spectrometer products invested by the bidder shall have the supply performance of this kind of mass spectrometer mainframe with at least 5 contracts; The manufacturer of the element pre-scanning plasma mass spectrometer products submitted by the bidder shall have the supply performance of this kind of mass spectrometer mainframe with at least 5 contracts; The manufacturer of the laser ablation system products submitted by the bidder shall have at least four contracts for the supply performance of such laser ablation system devices. The brand and model of the bidding performance product should be consistent with the brand and model of the bidding product.(2)投標人須按規定格式提交業績表,并提交相關業績證明文件。業績證明文件至少包括:1)銷售合同復印件(內容至少包括:合同首頁、合同簽署頁(應有雙方蓋章)、合同簽署時間、制造商名稱、貨物名稱、業績產品品牌及型號);2)用戶簽字或蓋章的到貨驗收材料復印件(到貨驗收單或調試驗收報告或使用方出具的有效證明文件)。合同和到貨驗收材料原件備查。(2) Bidders are required to submit performance forms in the prescribed format and relevant performance certification documents. The performance certification documents shall at least include: 1) a copy of the sales contract (including at least the contract front page, signature and seal page, signing time, manufacturer's name, goods name,product brand and model), and 2) copies of signed or stamped arrival acceptance materials (arrival acceptance form or commissioning acceptance report or valid certification document issued by the user, settle the invoice and provide ) The originals of the contract and arrival acceptance materials are for reference.(3)未提交業績證明文件,或所提供的業績證明文件無法滿足上述要求的,均視為無效業績。(3) Failure to submit performance proof documents, or failure to meet the above requirements with the provided performance proof documents, shall be deemed as invalid performance.是否接受聯合體投標:不接受未領購招標文件是否可以參加投標:不可以4、
項目 聯系人:李楊
微信:Li13683233285 郵箱:1211306049@qq.com
序號 | 產品名稱 | 數量 | 簡要技術規格 | 備注 |
1 | 碳酸鹽巖U-Pb定年測試系統 | 1 套 | 主要技術規格:詳細規格見完整版技術要求 ★(1)U-Pb測試等離子體質譜儀 ★(2)元素預掃描等離子體質譜儀 ★(3)激光剝蝕系統 |
項目 聯系人:李楊
微信:Li13683233285 郵箱:1211306049@qq.com